
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Defying Gravity

My boyfriend and I decided to do an abnormal date at a very abnormal time. We started our date at 4:40 this morning. I was too excited to be tired and sluggish after only 4 hours of sleep. My boyfriend on the other hand, didn't have his coffee yet so he didn't really have any idea what was going on. But once we got to our destination and he got his coffee, we were ready to see the action. This morning was the hot air balloon festival, which I used to go to with my mom when I was little. Since my boyfriend had never been, let alone heard of it, I thought that this would be a nice change and something that he should experience. We got there early enough to see all of the people set up the hot air balloons which was quite interesting. Then once they started to take off, that was when we starting snapping away some pictures. We have so many pictures from this morning but this one was my favorite. It was so nice to share something that I used to do when I was little with my boyfriend. But now we are both feeling very sleep deprived and in need of some naps. It was definitely worth it though. 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Margaritas and Mousse

Tonight for date night we decided to class it up a little and go to a pastry shop in Portland. I went for my go to drink which is a margarita. As for dessert, this specific one caught my eye. I don't think anyone could pass up a dessert that looks as beautiful as this incredible strawberry. It is lemon and cream cheese mousse with strawberry and candied lemon on the inside. If that doesn't make your mouth water, then you need your taste buds checked. Cheers y'all! 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

How to Double Date

Today I am talking about double dates.  Yes they are a very basic idea, but they are oh so hard to execute and make fun.  Luckily, I was able to plan a very fun night for our first double date!  The first spot that we went to was a place called Punchbowl Social.  I had never been to this place before, but my parents highly recommended it, so I thought we would give it a try! I must say, I had a drink called Something About Rio, and it was so delicious.  We also split some cauliflower nachos which were just as good.  After two rounds of drinks, things were going well so I suggested going to a very popular area of Portland called NW 23rd.  This street is filled with everything that one could possibly need.  It also happens to be very chic and happening.  Once we got to 23rd, I suggested going to this amazing restaurant called Fireside.  I became hooked on this restaurant last fall when my mom and I went there for drinks, and realized they make some fantastic drinks.  At Fireside I had a drink called Strawberry Hill and that was also, so delicious.  After our drinks, we needed something sweet, so Salt & Straw, being down the street, was the ideal place to go.  And one can never go wrong with a honey lavender ice cream.  The end of our night consisted of walking down 23rd and looking in the shops.

The key to a fun double date, is choosing something that everyone likes.  I knew that food and drinks are always a safe bet, because most people can't pass up those two things.  Continuing the night after the first activity is all about just gaging how the night is going.  Since our night was going really well, suggesting to do something after the first activity, was a no brainer.  But if you aren't really gelling with other couple, just end the night after the first activity.  You don't want to torture yourself by continuing the night, when it hasn't gone the best. My one piece of advice though, is to find that one couple that is up for anything and that you enjoy doing double dates with.  Then that will be your go-to double date couple! 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Classy Carbs

So as many couples these days, we don't have an endless amount of money to spend or energy on a daily basis. That being said, I was really craving some carbs tonight but wanted to still be somewhat classy at the same time. Rosè was the perfect way to keep this night classy but at the same time allow myself to load up on carbs from this delicious spaghetti and baguette. It's not normal that I am not the one cooking, but tonight, my amazing boyfriend and I thought we would give it a shot. So he actually cooked me a meal. And it turned out absolutely amazing! I'm sure I will still be doing the majority of the cooking, but this was a nice change to not be the one in the kitchen slaving away. Now we both have full tummies and buzzed heads, which is how I like myself to be. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Hello all! So I have been on a little hiatus from the blog because so much has been going on.  In the past few months I have been going to school, working for the most amazing store ever, and I am in the best relationship with the most amazing man! But I am happy too say that I am getting back into the mood to blog again!  Everyone get ready for tons of new places to go to in Oregon, lots of fashion posts, and of course, lots of posts about happy hours.  Because let's all be honest, everyone loves happy hour.  I can't wait to show my life with everyone!