
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Snow Morning

There is yet another snow storm in Portland, but this one is nothing like the previous ones we have had. Thankfully I left work last night just when the rain/sleet started to turn into snow, but once I was closer to getting home, it was a complete white out. Last night we were averaging an inch of snowfall per hour, which is insane to have happen in this area. Plus most people here do not know how to drive in the snow (few people are trained for it), so what's scarier than driving on possible ice is driving on the road with everyone else. But I do enjoy snow days where I know that I have no responsibilities to take care of or work to worry about. Therefore, I am sitting here writing this post while eating some Joe's O's (Trader Joe's version of Cheerios which happen to be extremely addicting for me and still are healthy, plus gluten free). On snow days we tend to take full advantage of the weather while we still have it. There is a lot of cooking/baking, movies and sledding. Since my family is all getting older (but I am still the early riser), I thought I would make brunch since in my opinion it is the best meal and there really is no wrong way to do brunch. The first item on the menu was a frittata, which is odd for me to want because I don't really like the taste of eggs, but will eat them if there is a bunch of other stuff mixed in with it. My mom recently went back on the Whole30, so the recipe needed to be diet approved, but not bland because my dad and brother would not eat it. After skimming through the cookbook, along with a couple of my own cookbooks, which included Pinterest, I found an acceptable recipe to try out. My mom also bought a cast iron skillet set, which happened to be one of my dreams to own, so I knew I would be using one of those to cook the frittata in. Now onto the actual recipe: below is the recipe all nice and neat for you to follow. Ingredients: 6 large eggs 1 cup diced tomatoes + a few slices to top frittata with 3/4 cup chopped white mushrooms 2 handfuls of roughly chopped spinach 1/2 diced onion 2 TBSP cooking fat (I used olive oil) 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp black pepper zest and juice of 1/4 lemon Preheat oven to 500 degrees Heat skillet on the stove with cooking fat Add in onion, tomatoes and mushrooms until onions are translucent: about 2-3 minutes In a separate medium bowl, whisk eggs along with the salt and pepper Toss in spinach to skillet and cook until wilted Slowly fold in eggs into the skillet until veggies are mixed evenly Let mixture cook without stirring until the eggs are still wet, but firm Once firm, add the sliced tomatoes on top along with zest and juice from the lemon Transfer to oven and cook until the top is golden brown: about 6-8 minutes
On my piece I added grated cheddar cheese and hot sauce also. To go with the frittata I just cooked some diced potatoes in olive oil, and had some mixed berries to go on the side. The berries add a fresh and lightness to the meal so it's not a bunch of heavy dishes. This was a great brunch option because it didn't feel like it was just sitting at the bottom of my stomach when I was done eating, and even now. It is filled with protein from the eggs, as well as nutrients from the veggies that were added to it. But now it is time to enjoy the snow!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Finding Your Own Self

As usual, there has been so much going on in the past month, but also just the past year in general. Most of you already know that I live just outside of Portland, Oregon where it has been insane weather recently. It has been a balance between amazing sunny yet cold weather, and a mixture of snow and ice. That is the worst weather in my opinion because it leaves everyone in a bind, plus people in this area are just never ready for that kind of weather. Along with some extreme weather, work has also been insane. I work in retail, so the holidays is always a very busy time for me, but I love it regardless. The coworkers I have could not be better people, I always look forward to working with the, because we make work fun. In past posts about it being a new season of life, or a new year with lots of changes, those were just small changes that have been made. Honestly looking back at the past year, I still am amazed at the amount of positive changes that have happened and where they have lead me to today. To start with, school has always been a somewhat difficult area for me. From being in the right learning environment, to having the motivation to finish, it has not come easy to me. But recently I have transferred to a university who is more willing to help me finish, but also it is just a much more positive environment for me personally. The learning style is right on track with how I learn best (small discussion based classes), but I have also decided to follow through with this passion of mine, which has always been writing. I cannot count the amount of journals that I have gone through over the years, and somewhat wish I had kept some of those said journals. That is a huge reason why I am getting back into blogging because it fills that creative space in my brain that I adore so much. This year I already know that there will be so much to share in my life, from traveling to recipes and everything in between. Another major change that I made this year was ending a serious relationship that was very toxic in my life. This person was very controlling and manipulative, which I was blinded from for a long time. When I realized I was not able to be my true self with him, and saw how much he was negatively influencing my life, I knew that this was not the relationship I wanted to be in. After I broke up with him, further events proved to me that I had made the right decision in my life by ending things with him. Once I ended the relationship I went through a period where I was not really sure who I was or wanted to be in life because I was so heavily influenced by my ex. This could really not come at a better time in my life, because it allowed me to decide an entirely new direction that I wanted to go. That was the time when I decided what school I really wanted to go to, what my religious belief is (I was recently baptized), and what really made me happy in my life. This sparked me to make this new year about doing what makes me happy, and not just following what another person thinks is best because I want to please them. Knowing this has also greatly helped my anxiety, which I have always had since I was 5 years old. But now I know what triggers me and if it is something negative that triggers me, I know that it is something that I don't need in my life. If there is anything in your life that causes you negative stress or that you are not excited about, then they could potentially be something that should not be in your life. With relationships, you should be excited to see the other person, instead of dreading it or having to come up with made up excuses to not see them. That's when you know for a fact you should not be with that person, and is something that I have learned. The last major change of the past year has been my health. It has not changed drastically but I have learned more about it, like the fact that I am gluten sensitive, so the gluten free lifestyle has been introduced to me. I still occasionally eat gluten if I really feel like it is worth the stomach ache afterwards, but I have learned that I cannot do that too often. This has actually been enjoyable to find new recipes that are gluten free or alter current recipes that I have to make them gluten free. Any of you who have dietary restrictions will hopefully be satisfied with future recipe posts that will be on here. Some have considered this almost a quarter life crisis, which call it what you want, it was something that helped me in my life and I am glad I went through. Everything I have gone through has been a for a reason and has made me stronger. As cliche as that sounds, it is really the case for me. This is the best point in my 20's so far, and I cannot wait to see what else is in store for me!