
Monday, November 7, 2016

Life's Changes

As I go through all of my pictures of the leaves changing colors, it got me thinking about how much my life has changed over the seasons. Most people take New Years as a time to think back to what has happened over the past year, but for some odd reason, I have always looked back at my year towards the end of fall. It must be something to do with the leaves changing, that gets me thinking about everything that has changed for me as well. This is also the time I usually make changes with my hair (chopping it off or tweaking the color), but that will not be happening this year. Over the past year, I have matured, ended toxic relationships (both friendships and a relationship), and found a new pathway to go down. I have never been one to really talk about religion, it just kind of scared me if I am being completely honest. Throughout the years I have been pulled every way, when it comes to religion, some of my friends are quite devoted in their faith, and then I was in a relationship where he was completely against organized religion. After ending that relationship, a few months later I was thinking, and came to the conclusion that I needed to accept God into my life and that was what was the missing puzzle piece was in my life. The first time going to church, I expected to be intimidating, but once I entered, I could feel this weight lifted off of my shoulders. My entire life I have had major anxiety that goes from extreme to minor, but it is always there. What was amazing to me was when I went to church, all of my anxiety was gone. That is when I knew I was where I belonged. If you are looking for a new church to go to, or even just to start going to church, that is the feeling you should feel when you are at the right one. Feeling comfortable and at home, is the best feeling in the world, especially for someone with anxiety. After going to church, I have made friends with some amazing people who are just as excited as I am to see where God is taking us in life and have accepted Jesus in their hearts. It has also allowed me to deepen friendships with people I have known for years. Having this major change in my life has also lead me to look at other aspects in my life, but it is slowly all coming together. Different changes are being made, that are healthier for me in my life. I am a person who has focused on other people, which is great, but it has been hard because I then never think about myself and what is best for me. This is the start to a new year for me, even though New Years is still a little over a month away. But I am beyond excited to see what else is to come in my life!