
Monday, June 29, 2015

Invite Only

I have always loved watching movies. It's always been a tradition of mine to go to any movie that comes out on my birthday because that's just a special thing when that happens. So when I heard that Trainwreck (I am a huge Amy Schumer fan) comes out the day before my birthday, I was beyond excited to see it what made this even sweeter was when I was invited to go to an advanced screening of the movie. It just happened to fall on our date night, so it was a no brainier that we were going to end up at the theater. But I am not a fan of paying for over priced movie theater popcorn. So being the rebel I am, I made some sage butter popcorn and brought a huge purse to sneak it in the theater in. My boyfriend is obsessed with my sage butter popcorn, so it was by his request that it was that kind of popcorn that I made. The recipe is just butter melted on the stove with sage leaves in it while the butter melts you also want to make sure that you brown the butter because it makes it just so much more amazing. Well it being an advanced screening and that fact that I don't want to be kicked out for having my phone out, I will end this post at that! 

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