
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Do It For You

It's the season where there are going to be many people starting diets and cleanses in preparation for bikini season. There is nothing wrong with doing these for the summer, but to do it more effectively, having it be a lifestyle change, and something you are doing for you, is beneficial. With this new bikini bootcamp (previous post talks all about it), I am doing this more as a lifestyle change rather than something to just get in shape for summer and then go back to old ways. This is something that I want to stick from here on out, and to do this for me and no one else. Putting myself first is something that I have never really done in my life, but have started to do that recently. Before you can be with anyone else, you have to love your self and like being around yourself. My biggest motivation is that I had a weight gain a couple of years ago that I was not ok with. Ever since then, I have been a on a mission to lose this excess weight. Finally, I am back to my original weight, but more importantly I am feeling better about myself. With the weight gain I began to feel very self conscious about what I wore and was not proud of my body. It was not that I had put on the weight, but I was not taking care of myself and was having someone else influence what I was putting into my body, which was garbage. Now I am on a mission to maintain and tone my body, and live a healthier life. Your mental and physical health go hand in hand with each other, so it is important to take care of both. The best part of this bootcamp is that it does not completely cut out your favorite foods, but instead encourage to have them in moderation. Doing it this way, allows you to transition easier when the bootcamp is over, if you choose not to make it a permanent thing. Yesterday I was able to have a BBQ tofu sandwich, guilt free, because I know how to limit myself and not over eat. But one thing I do recommend, and Selena Gomez's trainer recommends this too, DO NOT WEIGH YOURSELF! Just gage your progress by how you clothes fit and how you feel. One of the hardest things I have found in my life, is putting me first, because I always put others before myself. But with this bikini bootcamp, I am doing this for me and no one else. That is the most important thing to remember is that you need to do it for you and not anyone else. But by doing this bootcamp, it is a great start for everyone to do something for themselves. Update on the bootcamp, it is going great! The recipes have all turned out delicious and are extremely doable. I will write up a post about it and post pictures in the next couple of days! That way you all can see how they turn out! Below is a picture of my delicious lunch I had yesterday at Russell St BBQ! I ordered the smoked tofu sandwich with classic BBQ sauce and cole slaw.

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