
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

New Age Dating

I know I have taken another hiatus from blogging, but I promise that this time there will be a constant feed of my life events. This time I have decided to take a different approach to blogging, and have it be an entire lifestyle focus. That being said, I have dipped my foot in the dating pool, and it has been quite the experience. Let me set the scene for you first though, I am currently laying in bed, it finally feels like fall in Portland, and I am re-watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix. After being in a serious relationship, I was very wary of getting back into dating, because I honestly, just despise dating. I don't like the way dating has turned, because instead of being able to go out to a bar and having a guy approach you, we now have to get on these dating websites and apps, in order for a guy to talk to us. Even then, there are apps like Bumble, where the girl has to approach the guy first. I am traditional in the sense that I want a guy to approach me like a gentleman and ask me out. It is extra difficult at my age, to meet a guy who is ready to settle down, and not run around the town acting like a fool. Considering I am clearly not supposed to be my age, because on weekends I would rather go to dinner, maybe see a movie, and be in bed by 10:30. This past weekend, my best friends and I went to the beach for a little end of the summer girls getaway. While there, they pushed me to sign up for one of these dating apps. Can I just say that these apps take a lot of time to fill out a profile, yet I doubt most guys even look at a quarter of what you wrote about yourself. A picture is what I noticed usually does it for them. After being signed up for this app for no joke, an hour, I had hundreds of guys who apparently wanted to meet me, and around a hundred messages from different guys. I can completely understand the appeal of these apps and websites, because what girl does not feel immediately better after seeing that many guys are interested in her? But the catch is that you have to constantly be on the app, or the amount of people that collect themselves on your profile, becomes way too overwhelming. Needless to say, I did't give my number out to anyone, and deleted the app after around 24 hour of creating it. Instead, I have decided to try something completely different for dating, I have signed up to be on the next season of the Bachelor! Yes I said it, I am going to try being on a show to meet my future husband. I figure, that I might as well try it, especially since I have a huge crush on the guy who is the next Bachelor. That being said, I will be doing future posts on my road to getting ready for it and will let you all know if I indeed get on the show! I have to kick my butt into tip top shape, which I needed to do anyways, but this gives me a timeline to get it done and makes sure that I actually get it done and don't stray off of this new lifestyle. I can't wait to share this new journey with all of you!

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