
Monday, February 29, 2016

Avoiding Burnout

Lately I have realized how much I have going on in my life and what it takes to avoid getting burnt out. The one feeling that I absolutely hate is being burnt out because you almost feel defeated. But that is why I am so glad I have come up with a solution to avoid having that feeling appear in my life. 

First off, having a planner is what keeps me sane. I am slightly OCD about my planner because it is divided by times throughout the day, so then I am able to precisely plan out my day from when I wake up, to the evening. Being able to divide up my day, makes it easier to plan when I work out, run errands, and have meals just as an example. This also helps my make sure I get everything done that I want to that day. I very much dislike when it's the end of the day and I just think about how much more I wanted to get done and didn't. So having a planner makes sure that it all happens. Below is the link for the planner I use.

The next step that helps me from getting burnt out is scheduling time for myself. I personally have to put it in my schedule so that I make sure I have time for myself. It doesn't have to be a huge amount of time, but even just 15 minutes to unwind and take time out for yourself. The time that I usually set aside for myself is at night before I go to bed, and I read a book to help my unwind. 

The last piece of advice I can give is, when you have a free day and don't have the day packed with plans, go out and do something fun! Usually I go out with my friends to lunch or drinks or boyfriend for the day downtown. This allows me to let my mind get a break from the stresses of life. Just doing something you enjoy, will help reduce the stress and then prevent you from getting burnt out. 

This is from when I went to Tam on a night off. Since in Portland, the rain has now come back, all I want is this wonton soup.